Welcome to Geekdom!

Geekdom is a community platform for people who are passionate about one or more specific topics and would like to share their enthusiasm and expertise with others.

Are you a geek? You might very well be! As Wikipedia says:

"In current use, the word typically connotes an expert or enthusiast obsessed with a hobby or intellectual pursuit."

In other words, if you are fascinated by a specific aspect of technology, arts, games, crafts, entertainment, engineering, music, science, or any other area of common interest, Geekdom is the place for you!

At the moment, Geekdom operates a Mastodon instance for communication. Additional services might be added in the future.

So why not take the next step and join us today?

We can't wait to have you as part of our community. Simply click on the "Join Now" button to get started.

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Please refer to our Code of Conduct for our rules for posting content on Geekdom.

For moderation requests, please contact us at @team@geekdom.social.

Geekdom is hosted and operated in the EU. For details on privacy and data protection, please refer to our Privacy Policy.